Friday, August 5, 2022

Does Decaffeinated Coffee Dehydrate You? Here’s the Answer!

by sundhedsvagten

Coffee is a diuretic liquid that increases the passing of urine in your body and causes dehydration because of the caffeine in your drink.

Previously all or most caffeinated drinks were assumed to be causing dehydration. Only recently, with more rigorous studies, it has been proven that coffee, just like any other drink or beverage, adds up to your daily intake of fluid.

Decaffeinated drinks are another addition to your daily fluid intake and do not cause dehydration.

Decaffeinated coffee does not hydrate you as well as water and a few other drinks. But, in comparison to regular coffee, decaf coffee hydrates you better because of the fewer amounts of caffeine in it.

What Is Decaffeinated Coffee?

Decaffeinated or decaf coffee means that the caffeine from the coffee beans has been removed.

This is quite different from caffeine-free drinks. Caffeine-free drinks or products are those that are naturally free from caffeine. But this is not the case with decaf coffee.

Decaf coffee does contain flavor and is a great alternative for people looking to reduce caffeine intake in their daily routine.

Learn more about caffeine in your Nespresso decaf!

The Link Between Caffeine And Hydration

Coffee and hydration are linked because of the common assumption that the caffeine in coffee causes dehydration.

Caffeine is a mild diuretic liquid, and this means that it will increase urination but not to any dangerous levels that might cause dehydration. 

However, the daily intake of coffee should be limited to 2 to 3 cups of coffee a day in addition to water and other beverages to keep you going well.

If you’re a coffee lover and cannot reduce your intake, then you might consider switching to decaf coffee because it contains less caffeine than the regular one.

Does Decaffeinated Coffee Satisfy Thirst?

Although decaffeinated coffee does not dehydrate you because of less caffeine, some studies have shown that it doesn’t satisfy your thirst.

The tannins in the coffee, which give a dark color to your coffee, end up drying your mouth, and you may be left feeling more thirsty.

So, if you ever feel thirsty, do not rely on decaf coffee to satisfy your thirst but stick to water and other liquids rather than relying on decaf coffee.

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Decaf Coffee?

Ever wonder what happens to your body when you drink decaf coffee?

Here’s what happens to your body when you consume decaf coffee

Makes You Hungrier

The caffeine in your coffee acts as an appetite suppressant. This means it can be substituted as a snack and an ideal beverage for weight loss. 

However, since decaf coffees do not contain caffeine, it reduces all these benefits and makes you hungrier.

Lowers Your Chances of Certain Diseases and Disorders

Decaffeinated coffee reduces the risk of certain diseases and disorders. For example, it helps minimize liver disorders due to the enzymes in our liver, against which it creates a protective layer.

It also reduces the risk of dementia and neurodegenerative diseases.

Contains Antioxidants

Decaf coffee offers antioxidants in your system. 

The antioxidants destroy harmful substances responsible for causing cancer, inflammation, and any other damage to your body.

Reduces Anxiety and Digestive Issues

The nutritional value of decaf coffee is slightly less than that of regular coffee, but it has proven to be more beneficial for those with anxiety and tummy-related issues.

The caffeine in regular coffee is likely to make your stomach upset and is also responsible for any heart-related and anxiety issues.

Doctors recommend avoiding caffeine when you have anxiety.

Makes You Lazy

People who are highly dependent on caffeine can become lethargic and feel more tired when switching from regular to decaf coffee.

This sluggish feeling is not severe unless you go through caffeine withdrawal symptoms.

You Get a Better Sleep

Unlike regular coffee, decaf coffee is known to maintain your natural sleep and not be disruptive to your sleep schedule.

Caffeine is known to be a sleep disrupter. The caffeine and chemicals in coffee make you feel more energized.

Your Body Need More Water

Remember to always drink water along with your decaf coffee or regular coffee.

Drinking coffee can dehydrate your kidneys, and the adrenals are brought to support the function of the kidneys.

Side Effects of Decaf Coffee?

Even though decaf coffee is better than regular coffee because of the less amount of caffeine in it, it still contains a few unexpected side effects.

It is important to be aware of these effects.

Heart Complications

The decaf version of coffee increases LDL cholesterol which is considered bad cholesterol. It also increases blood fat linking to metabolic syndrome.

Decaffeinated coffee is not harmful, but the method in which the caffeine is removed from the coffee beans contains the usage of detrimental chemicals.

The chemical methylene is carcinogenic.

It Might Aggravate Rheumatoid Arthritis.

As the decaffeinated coffee goes through caffeine removal, this increases the risk of rheumatoid arthritis.

Causes Acidity

Decaffeinated coffee increases gastrins. The gastrins hormones are responsible for releasing the acids in your stomach.

The excessive release of gastrins can cause acidity.

Interferes With Iron Absorption

The chlorogenic acid contained in coffee interferes with iron absorption in your body.

Causes Fatigue and Drowsiness

These include more of the withdrawal symptoms of coffee or caffeine. However, the headaches are usually temporary.

However, some studies have shown that decaffeinated coffee can slow down your nervous system, making you feel more tired.


Regular coffee is considered the cause of dehydration because of the caffeine in the drink and the diuretic nature of coffee.

Since decaf coffee does not contain caffeine as it is removed through a process, it is not dehydrating and is considered just like any other fluid intake of your body.

Decaf coffee can include some side effects, mostly because of the chemicals used in the decaffeination process.

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